Global Knowledge Network

November 2, 2018 at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

1. The ABEST21 Rectors and Deans Forum

The ABEST21 Rectors and Deans Forum 2018 “Promoting Student Mobility and Nurturing Global Management Professionals” was held on November 2 and 3, 2018 at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia. The Forum was cosponsored by ABEST21 and ITB, supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan and assisted by the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia, authorized as a project commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Japan-Indonesia Diplomatic Relations.

  • Date: November 2 and 3, 2018
  • Venue: Nemangkawi Room 6th, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia)
  • Cosponsored by ABEST21 International and School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Supported by: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan
  • Participants: 43 institutions
  • Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia
  • Embassy of Japan in Indonesia
  • ABEST21 International
  • School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)

Burapha University (Thailand), Institut Pertanian Bogor (Indonesia), International Islamic University Malaysia (Malaysia), Kyoto University (Japan), Management & Science University (Malaysia), Naresuan University (Thailand), PPM School of Management (Indonesia), PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero) (Indonesia), PT. Bank Central Asia (Indonesia), PT. Blanja. Com.(Indonesia), PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesia), PT. Ericsson Indonesia (Indonesia), PT. Freeport Indonesia (Indonesia), PT. INTI ( Indonesia), PT. Irgantara Indonesia (Indonesia), Kementerian Keuangan (Indonesia), PT. Lubis (Indonesia), PT. Pindan (Persero) (Indonesia), PT. Samudea Asahi Shipping (Indonesia), PT. Semen Indonesia (Indonesia), Universitas Andalas (Indonesia), Universitas Airlangga (Indonesia), Universitas Bengkulu (Indonesia), Universitas Brawijaya (Indonesia), Universitas Diponegoro (Indonesia), Universitas Hasanuddin (Indonesia), Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia), Universitas Islam Indonesia (Indonesia), Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (Indonesia), Universitas Lampung (Indonesia), Universitas Padjadjaran (Indonesia), Universitas Sebelas Maret (Indonesia), Universitas Surabaya (Indonesia), Universitas Telkom (Indonesia), Universitas Udayana (Indonesia), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Malaysia), Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), Universiti Teknologi MARA (Malaysia), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia)

Day 1: Friday, November 2, 2018

Opening Remarks and Introductory Speech:
Prof. Emeritus Dr. Fumio Itoh
President, ABEST21 International

ABEST21 President Prof. Dr. Fumio Itoh explained the main purposes of the Forum: aiming to nurture management professionals who will play active roles in the globalized international environment, the Forum aims to assist in promoting student mobility among ABEST21 members and to discuss the establishment of the council for human resources development for management professionals based on industry-academia relationship, and to call for participation in the Partnership Agreement to realize such goals.

Welcoming Speech:

Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi
Rector, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi referred to the following points in the welcoming speech: student mobility and nurturing of management professionals suggested by ABEST21 are also important issues for economic and social development in Indonesia. Since these goals can be achieved through cooperation among the members, this Forum provides a significant opportunity to promote this cooperation, and we look forward to the discussions.

Guest Speech:

Mr. Keiichi Yamaguchi
The First Secretary (Education), Embassy of Japan in Indonesia

First Secretary Mr. Keiichi Yamaguchi delivered a congratulatory address to this Forum and said that he expects international exchange among universities to be further activated through discussions at this conference. It was also mentioned that the industry-government-academia discussion on nurturing of human resources which contribute to the development and peace in Asian economies is a highly relevant project for this year 2018 which marks the 60th anniversary of Japan-Indonesia Diplomatic Relations.

Keynote Speech:

Prof. Dr. Aris Junaidi
Director of Quality Assurance, The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia

Director Prof. Dr. Aris Junaidi pointed out that the development of quality assurance system for university educational and research activities is a must in Indonesia. The appropriate method of accreditation in response to globalization of educational and research environment is the main issue. It is appreciated that ABEST21 contributes to accreditation in Indonesia for many universities for their quality assurance and quality enhancement, and also to the kaizen of accreditation system through this Forum.

Special Speech:

Prof. Dr. Kayo Inaba
Vice President, Kyoto University, Japan

Vice President Prof. Dr. Kayo Inaba reported that Kyoto University’s international exchange activities in ASEAN countries are developed through Kyoto University ASEAN Center. The driving force for this development was explained as WINDOW (Wild and Wise, International and Innovative, Natural and Noble, Diverse and Dynamic, Original and Optimistic, Women and the World). Prof. Dr. Kayo Inaba also discussed the double degree Program that was developed between the Graduate School of Management and Cornell MMH.

Special Speech:

Prof. Dr. Dato’ Daing Mohd Nasir Bin Daing Ibrahim
Vice Chancellor, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Dato’ Dr. Daing Mohd Nasir Bin Daing Ibrahim explained the Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)’s development in ASEAN on “Immersive LAB on Competency Based Talent Management”. Specific introduction was provided on Immersive LAB with a strategic partner, Southern Cross University, Australia.

Special Speech:

CEO Jemy Confido,, Indonesia

CEO Jemy Confido pointed out that the development of Information Technology industry is the prime task for Indonesia’s economic growth. The ratio of Internet users is low – only 51% of total population in Indonesia. Although development of e-commerce is essential for Indonesia as an island country, it requires improvement of the hardware of the economy, the logistic system. Thus nurturing of human resources in the area of Information Technology is necessary for economic development in Indonesia.

Case Report:

Prof. Dr. AAhad Osman-Gani
Dean, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia

Dean Prof. Dr. AAhad Osman Gani reported on “IIUM Mobility Experience 2017” based on the actual data on students’ intake. It was also reported that as part of globalization activities, IIUM proactively accepts non-Muslim students from around the world to build a platform consisting of students of various cultural backgrounds.

Case Report:

Assist. Prof. Rapeeporn Srijumpa, Ph.D.
Dean, Burapha University, Thailand

Dean Dr. Rapeeporn Srijumpa introduced the goals and activities at Burapha University, including ideal student competency, basic knowledge needed for international management professionals, and international student mobility. Burapha University based on Dolphin Spirit promotes various GSCs (Global Sustainability Collaborations). Actual status of Culture Orientation, Culture Diversity, Culture Adaptation, Culture Learning, Culture Sharing, and Culture Connection were reported as the outcomes of Student Mobility.

Day 2: Saturday, November 3, 2018
Group Discussions

Group 1: “Curriculum Development to enhance Student Mobility”

oderator: Dean Prof. Dr. Ali Khatibi (MSU, Malaysia)
Suggestions and ideas were raised for the development of 1-week short program to promote student mobility among member schools, and the need to discuss scholarships that will reduce students’ costs and facilitate student mobility was highlighted.

Group 2: “Internationalization of Business School: Faculty Exchange and Joint Research”

Moderator: Dean Prof. Dr. Nor’Azam Mastuki (UiTM, Malaysia)
The Group discussed the need for internationalization of the business schools and what needs to be done to promote internationalization, including faculty exchange among member schools and joint research.

Group 3: “Industrial Collaboration to support Student Global Professional Experience

Moderator: Dean Prof. Dr. Yoshinori Hara (Kyoto University, Japan)
The Group discussed how to cooperate with companies so that the students can acquire appropriate business experience, and reported on the human resources actually needed by the companies, highlighting the issue of the generation gap between those who will teach the technology and those who will be taught. Suggestions were raised on measures to promote student internships.

Group 4: “Role of ABEST21 to accelerate Business School Education Quality”

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Candra Fajri Ananda (Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia)
Dr. Yudi Fernando (Universiti Malaysia Pahang) suggested that to ensure the appropriate development of the educational and research environment, information sharing is needed. To share information among the members, enhancement of ABEST21 website content is recommended, and communication platform using SNS needs to be prepared.

Group 1: Ali Khatibi

Group 2: Nor’Azam Mastuki

Group 3: Yoshinori Hara

Group 4: Yudi Fernando

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