1. Comprehensive Review
Overall, the results of implementing the Action Plans are largely satisfactory. The School’s performance has shown promising results. The educational program is well designed with clear learning goals. The learning goals are stipulated in the course syllabus and publicized through the course learning management system and an academic manual book for the new students. The School is in the process of reviewing its curriculum. In September 2021, the School has started conducting a curriculum workshop. A new syllabus will be developed in response to the current education trends, and the School plans to utilize the blended learning method.
Business practitioners are involved in the Education Process. The program, which is known as ‘Manager Teaches,’ has been conducted consistently, and it adds value to the students’ learning process. In 2019, the program had four (4) speakers from industries, and in 2020, the program involved nine (9) guest speakers.
Besides that, the School has established policies on international classes and international students. Many international cooperation activities have been carried out from the year 2019 to 2021. In 2019 and 2020, the School organized an international seminar, ‘Sriwijaya Economic, Accounting and Business Conference’. A global class with Bangor Business School University was carried out in 2019. In 2020, the School organized international classes with Korea University, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, and Sunway University, Malaysia. In 2019, through the Erasmus+ Program, FE UNSRI had sent its five (5) faculty members to participate in the sabbatical program at universities in France, England, Italy, and Greece. The international collaboration activities in the year 2021 involved the institutional partners from Daffodil International University, Bangladesh, Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, Philippines, and Sunway University, Malaysia.
The School has utilized various platforms for communicating with students, including Google classroom, WhatsApp group, learning management system, and email. Based on the Report, students can choose and enroll in courses online through the Academic Information System (SIMAK). In addition, an academic supervisor is appointed to help students choose courses and consult them on other academic activities.
In responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020, the School only opened its intake once. The total number of new students’ admission in 2020 was 19. The total student admission in 2019 was 63.
The areas which require improvement are:
- The productivity of faculty members in research and publications
- English language skills for administrative staff
- The School may expand the initiative to gather the stakeholder’s view(s) towards developing or revising its mission statement.
The School’s Feedback:
PRT Responses:
2. Dramatic Quality Improvement
“Leveraging information technologies, practitioners’ expertise, and international collaboration in online teaching and learning activities”
The School’s dramatic improvement is reflected in the following items, as a result of its Action Plans performance:
- Facilities for people with disabilities
- Use of practitioners in teaching
- Use of information technologies (IT) in teaching and administration
- Internationalization of education: various collaboration activities with the international partner universities have been conducted in the past three years
- Strong support to students in terms of facilities and IT.
The above title for the School’s dramatic quality improvement is suggested because establishing reliable, conducive, and supportive online learning is a real challenge to many learning institutions. Based on the report and the comments from the Peer Review Team Member Visit (online), the School is committed to managing and improving the quality of online education, students’ support, and infrastructure. The School’s action plan and its implementation indicated the importance of considering the needs of people with disabilities to ensure fairness. The use of practitioners in teaching helps students gain deep insight into what is happening in the real world. The practice may also improve student employability. The use of information technologies in teaching and administration indicated that the School has effectively responded to challenges presented by the pandemic. The School has organized and conducted global classes using advanced information communication technology. The School also conducted several international workshops with some universities from Malaysia and Korea. Overall, the School offers facilities and equipment that enable the students to engage in the study process and research.
3. Matters to be noted
PS MM FE UNSRI needs to improve the following aspects:
- Curriculum internationalization to help students to develop global competency
- International research collaboration
- Gender diversity, as there were no female student representatives to interview during the Peer Review Online Visit.
- The international classes and policies are well established. However, the number of international students is low. Thus, to enhance the internationalization of education, the School needs to attract more international students, including through the student exchange program.
- The School is moving toward of global education process. It is suggested to the School to set a measurable target for each action plan, such as the yearly targeted number of international students, research grants, and publications.
- Most of the evidence and supporting materials provided are in Indonesian instead of English.
The School’s Feedback:
PRT Responses: