1. Management Accreditation Review Results
Overall, the Report covers most of the key areas required for the Self-Evaluation.
The following comments can be made based on the report and the on-site visit on December 22nd, 2014:
- There is a need to report on how other stakeholders such as industrial advisors/experts, related business or management professional bodies, academic advisors and alumni are involved in the development and refinement of the mission statement.
- Continuous efforts need to be made by the School to impart the mission among its staff and students.
- The School should continuously review its mission statement in accordance with the changes in industry and research.
- The program’s educational goals are rational and designed systematically to ensure the attainment of the School’s mission.
- Students’ profile, admission, support and incentives are in accordance with the University’s policy.
- The number of MBA students (Thai program) seems to be high. The School should monitor the quality of the program closely.
- There is a lack of faculty members in the School. Another way to accomplish the School’s goal to internationalize is to improve the academic staff’s language skills as well as to encourage the staff to use international textbooks and case studies in their teaching.
- The statistics on academic staff provided in the SER was a bit confusing and not well defined, particularly on the ratio of the full-time and part-time faculty members and supporting academic staff. The Peer Review Team asked the School’s staff to fix the numbers in the report and re-submit it.
ABEST21 hereby certifies that Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications, Naresuan University, Thailand has generally met ABEST21 Management Accreditation Standards and the quality maintenance and improvement of education and research in its Master of Business Administration Degree Programs are assessed as good. The School’s KAIZEN plans are good and quality maintenance and prospects for the improvement of education and research are promising. Accreditation commences April 1, 2015 for a five-year period.
2. Good Practice in Management Education
“Hands-on practical Business Game and Stock Exchange Simulation”
- Extensive and systematic exercise on curriculum development is in place enabling the School to realize its mission statement.
- Hands-on practical approach, business game and stock exchange simulation as the learning methods.
- The School has a good system of financial support for research-related activities such as conducting research, attending and presenting academic works at the conferences, etc.
3. Matters to be noted
- The mission statement in the report should be defined clearly as there are different mission statements for the faculty and the School. The word “School” in this report shall only refer to the MBA Program that currently applies for ABEST21 accreditation.
- The School should review its report and ensure that the data provided in the report are consistent and accurate.
- It is observed that the numbers of academic staff taken into calculation in the report may be the total number of the School’s faculty members, not just the ones who belong to the MBA program. This may cause error in interpretation of the sufficiency of faculty members. The PRT asked the School to re-submit this particular information.
- Input from alumni should be collected as part of the curriculum review processes.
- Online student feedback system could be looked into and implemented for curriculum and teaching evaluation.
- Listing of the collaborations with universities and companies would be useful to gauge the level of academic and industry collaboration.