I. Accreditation Comprehensive Review Result
1. Accreditation Review Result
ABEST21 International Accreditation Result of MBA Program in International Business, Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan is as follows:
“ABEST21 International certifies that the School’s educational and research activities satisfy all or most accreditation standards. The School’s Kaizen plans are excellent, and quality maintenance and improvement of education and research are very promising and excellent.
Accreditation commences April 1, 2024 for a five-year period.”
2. Comprehensive Review
The report is well written and faculty members are competent in their areas. The PRT suggests that the School maintains its practices and makes improvements as suggested in the PRT’s recommendations pertaining to the minor issues. The report is well written, concise yet very clear. The School can explain important matters related to fulfilling ABEST21’s standards with minor revisions needed. The PRT is satisfied with the responses provided in the Self-check and Self-evaluation Report and those obtained from the interview sessions. Staff members are competent, and students have excellent learning experience. There are adequate policies and procedures in place to ensure systematic review and continuous improvement. The education infrastructure serves students and staff well. There is strong industry engagement to ensure the program curriculum is relevant and meets industry expectations. The incorporation of CSR/ESG component is also important in developing students’ global citizenship and leadership.
The School’s Feedback:
Thank you.
PRT Response:
Thank you.
3. Compatibility with the ABEST21 Standards
Chapter One: Internal Quality Assurance and Management
- Standard 1: Academic Unit Management
- Standard 2: Governance System
- Standard 3: Self-Check/Self-Evaluation
- Standard 4: Staff-Development
The School meets ABEST21 standards as the PRT team is content with information provided in the SCR and during the online visit. The School shows its compatibility with ABEST21 Standards.
The School’s Feedback:
Thank you.
PRT Response:
Well done.
Chapter Two: Mission Statement
- Standard 5: Mission Statement
- Standard 6: Financial Strategies
Overall, the School meets ABEST21 standards as the PRT team is content with information provided in the SCR and during the online visit. The School shows its compatibility with ABEST21 Standards. The School needs to develop short-term and long-term plans on securing budgets from alternative sources.
The School’s Feedback:
Exploring external funding opportunities such as donations, research projects, and endowed faculty positions or courses is being pursued. Such external funding will be both short-term and long-term, depending on the terms reached with donor companies.
PRT Response:
Thank you.
Chapter Three: Curriculum
- Standard 7: Learning Goals
- Standard 8: Curriculum Policy and Management of Curriculum
- Standard 9: Quality Improvement of Curriculum
- Standard 10: Online Education
- Standard 11: Diploma Policy and Learning Outcomes
- Standard 12: Globalization of Curriculum
The School meets ABEST21 standards as the PRT team is content with information provided in the SCR and during the online visit. However, the School should incorporate the new courses focusing on negotiation and interpersonal skills. To develop students’ global leadership, the program curriculum may also incorporate public speaking and psychology. Overall, the School shows its compatibility with ABEST21 Standards.
The School’s Feedback:
Thank you for your advice. We already have a course titled “business Communication”. In any case, we will review possible gaps in our curriculum during this year’s review of the curriculum.
PRT Response:
Thank you.
Chapter Four: Students
- Standard 13: Admission Policy and Student Selection
- Standard 14: Student Encouragement and Support
- Standard 15: Student Body Diversity
The School meets ABEST21 standards as the PRT team is content with information provided in the SCR and during the online visit. The School shows its compatibility with ABEST21 Standards.
The School’s Feedback:
Thank you.
PRT Responses:
Thank you.
Chapter Five: Faculty
- Standard 16: Faculty Structure
- Standard 17: Faculty Qualifications
- Standard 18: Maintenance of Education and Research Environment
- Standard 19: Faculty Development
- Standard 20: Faculty Diversity
The School meets ABEST21 standards as the PRT team is content with information provided in the SCR and during the online visit. However, the School needs to develop a rigorous strategy to recruit new young faculty members to increase the faculty diversity.
The School shows its compatibility with ABEST21 Standards.
The School’s Feedback:
We agree with your assessment, thank you. We realized during the interview that we were not emphasizing enough the benefits of working in our program to potential faculty applicants.
PRT Response:
Thank you.
Chapter Six : Educational Infrastructure
- Standard 21: Maintenance of Educational Infrastructure
- Standard 22: Globalization of Educational Infrastructure
The School meets ABEST21 standards as the PRT team is content with information provided in the SCR and during the online visit. However, the School should provide a prayer room for students to perform their religious obligations.
The School’s Feedback:
Thank you.
PRT Response:
Thank you.
4. Good Practice in the School’s/Faculty’s Programs
Title: “International Business for Real World Education”
Reason: The School nurtures international business leaders by combining theory and practice.
5. Matters to be improved
The School is advised to address budgetary issues and talent acquisition. Ensuring the sustainability of budget and attracting young faculty members are main concerns that arise from the desk review and the PRT visit.
The School’s Feedback:
We agree with your assessment, thank you.
PRT Response:
Thank you.
6. Peer Review Schedule
ABEST21 assessed the School’s ABEST21 Management Accreditation by conducting substantial assessment on “Self-Check/Self-Evaluation Report (SCR)” by the Desk Review and the online Peer Review Visit according to the Review Schedule below.
- Jun.23, 2022 : Acceptance of the “QIS”
- Sep.02, 2022 : Online Interview
- Nov.24, 2022 : Ratification of the “QIS” by the Peer Review Committee
- Jun.30, 2023 : Acceptance of the “SCR”
- Sep.6 and 7, 2023 : Online Peer Review Visit
- Oct.5, 2023 : Informal Announcement of the Draft of the PRT Review Report
- Oct.5-Nov.10, 2023 : Coordination of opinions between the PRT and the School
- Nov.28-29, 2023 : Ratification of the “PRT Review Report”
- Jan.16, 2024 : Recommendation of the Accreditation Committee
- Feb.21, 2024 : Ratification of the ABEST21 Accreditation by the Board of Trustees