I. The ABEST21 Comprehensive Review
1. ABEST21 Accreditation Result
“ABEST21 (THE ALLIANCE ON BUSINESS EDUCATION AND SCHOLARSHIP FOR TOMORROW, a 21st century organization) hereby certifies that BACHELOR OF ECONOMICS PROGRAM of the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN, REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA has generally met ABEST21 Management Accreditation Standards and the quality maintenance and improvement of education and research in the aforementioned program are promising and good. Accreditation commences April 1, 2019 for a five-year period.
2. Comprehensive Review
There are issues to be improved but generally the School is aware of the issues and has identified appropriate measures for improvement. The School should address the items highlighted in the Improvement Issues in this report.
3. Good Practice in Management Education
1) Title of Good Practice in Management Education
Maritime-based Economics Education
2) Reason for selecting the title stated above
The unique character of the University and the School’s program on Maritime-based economy should be emphasized. The program incorporates the uniqueness of the Maritime-based economy of Sulawesi Island and Makassar as the hub connecting the East and West Indonesia, with its richness in biodiversity, natural resources, cultural diversity, people and environment.
4. Matter to be noted
To address the issues highlighted in the Improvement Issues, efforts should be taken to improve the following areas:
- Humanizing the School’s education
- Diversifying the activities for industry collaboration
- Staff development program
- Program mapping to ensure alignment between mission statement, learning goals and the curriculum
- Strengthen faculty’s research capabilities.
- Others as stated in this report.
5. The Peer Review Team
Leader | Prof. Dr. Candra Fajri Ananda Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia |
Member | Dr. Budiono Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia |
Member | Prof. Dr. Ming Yu Cheng Faculty of Accountancy and Management, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia |
6. The Peer Review Schedule
>Process | >Committee | Date |
Ratification of the ABEST21 Accreditation | Board of Trustees | Mar. 7, 2019 |
Recommendation of the ABEST21 Accreditation | Accreditation Committee | Mar. 7, 2019 |
Ratification of the PRT Review Report | Peer Review Committee | Mar. 6, 2019 |
Ratification of the Self-Evaluation Report | Peer Review Committee | Nov. 1, 2018 |
Implementation of the Peer Review Visit | Peer Review Team | Jan.18-19, 2019 |
Submission of the Self-Evaluation Report | – | Jun. 30, 2018 |
Ratification of the Quality Improvement Plan | Peer Review Committee | Nov. 25, 2017 |
Submission of the Quality Improvement Plan | – | Jun. 30, 2017 |
II. PRT Comments on the Self-Check/Self-Evaluation Analysis
1. The School’s Mission Statement and Strategies
1) The School’s Mission Statement
The mission for the Bachelor of Economics program is stated as “To become an Internationally Reputed Bachelor in Economics with Maritime-based character”. The Maritime-based character is referring to the distinctive characters found in Makassar, i.e. MARITIM character (in Bahasa Indonesia), namely humanity (M), wise (A), religious (R), innovative (I), tough (T), integrity (I) and independent (M). This is indeed a unique character for UNHAS to develop its Bachelor of Economics program in Makassar. The curriculum and learning goals should reflect the Maritime-based character appropriately.
2) The School’s Strategies for Quality Improvement
Four strategies were identified for quality improvement. However, these strategies are centered on collaboration, especially establishing international collaboration. The strategies for quality improvement should support the achievement of the mission statement, especially in its “maritime-based character”. The humanist emphasis of the university as discussed during the meeting with the top management could be one of the strategies for the School to consider.
3) Humanizing the School’s Management Education
Indeed the Maritime-based character provides a clear guideline for the School to humanize its program, to cultivate human resources who are capable to harmonize various conflicts of interests and diversity in the society, to understand the working orders, rights and duties in ensuring sustainable development. The School needs to re-examine its humanizing efforts, to consider both in-class learning and extra-curricular activities to make the program more relevant to its stakeholders, its surrounding environment, the local society, and national as well as global economy.
4) Collaborating with Industries in Management Education
The School has demonstrated some level of collaboration with industries, but mainly in the forms of short courses, joint research and guest lectures by industry speakers. The School may explore other areas of collaboration, for instance for the industry to participate in curriculum development or become the School’s industry advisor. The School may leverage on its strong alumni network to serve as the bridge linking the School and the industry.
5) Globalizing the School’s Management Education
The School recognizes the importance of internationalization and is taking efforts to expand its collaboration with international partners. The School may explore other ways of globalizing its program for teaching, learning and research purposes. For instance, implementing Global Classroom to discuss contemporary economics issues, or organizing study tours, or conducting joint research with partnering university, or participating in international conferences or seminars. It is also essential for the School to consider bringing international content into curriculum design and providing international exposure through teaching materials such as case studies, or study of foreign language
2. The School’s Educational and Research Activities
Chapter 1 Internal Quality Assurance
Standard 1: Administration and Governance
The School’s administration is based on the public administrative system supported by three sub-divisions for education, finance and personnel, and students and alumni respectively. In addition to these administrative divisions, are there any other committees consist of faculty members (for instance student development committee, etc.) or working groups to support the School’s administration?
Standard 2: Self-Check/Self-Evaluation
The self-check/self-evaluation exercise that is carried out twice a year which follows University ISO procedure is considered appropriate and adequate to ensure systematic and timely evaluation.
Standard 3: Improvement of Education and Research Environment
The issues identified for improvement are appropriate.
Chapter 2 Mission Statement
Standard 4: Mission Statement
During the discussion, the School justified how the mission statement was defined. However, it is still not clear how the School would deliver the Maritime-based character in its program.
Standard 5: Mission Imperatives
The School’s mission statement supports the mission of the University and the Faculty, based on the Maritime-based character.
Standard 6: Financial Strategies
There is a need to diversify the sources of financing in order to ensure that the mission statement could be realized.
Chapter 3 Educational Programs
Standard 7: Learning Goals
The learning goals are defined clearly and aligned with the mission statement.
Standard 8: Curriculum Policy
The process involved in curriculum design is appropriate. The School emphasized that there is a need to increase the frequency and intensity of communication. In fact, it is not necessary to have very regular discussion, but periodical discussion is important.
Standard 9: Management of Curriculum
The curriculum should support the program’s learning goals, learning outcomes and mission statement. The School may consider to do program mapping to ensure there is alignment in its curriculum, learning goals, learning outcomes and mission statement. In addition, the School may consider offering specializations/majors (for instance agribusiness, fisheries economics, resources economics, etc.) to develop the expertise required by the industry, based on the uniqueness of the program.
Standard 10: Improvement of Educational Quality
The School should explain the system for creating the environment to support teaching and learning, especially the performance evaluation, feedback and the guidance system. The learning environment is not limited to the availability of physical facilities such as private room or classrooms.
Standard 11: Diploma Policy
The School needs to discuss the systematic process to achieve the learning outcomes.
Standard 12: Learning Outcomes’ Review
In reviewing the learning outcomes, the School may consider doing program mapping, to ensure consistency in learning goals, learning outcomes and mission statement.
Standard 13: Globalization of Educational Programs
The School has identified the need to improve its efforts and facilities to globalize its educational program.
Chapter 4 Students
Standard 14: Student Profile
The School should specify its targeted student profile and highlight the gap, in order to identify measures for continuous improvement. What is the targeted number to enroll each year, and how to determine the targeted number to be enrolled?
Standard 15: Admission Policy
The admission policy is clearly stipulated.
Standard 16: Student Selection
The School has highlighted the need to review the selection criteria periodically, and also the need to shorten the study period. What is the justification to shorten the study period? Is the current targeted number of enrolments justified?
Standard 17: Student Support
The School has highlighted the need to provide systematic student support system.
Standard 18: Student Incentive
In addition to academic supervisor, are there any other supports to incentivize students?
Standard 19: Student Diversity
The School should improve the diversity of its student profile, especially through student mobility programs.
Chapter 5 Faculty
Standard 20: Faculty Structure
The gap between the required and current number of faculty members is getting bigger each year. In addition, more than 60 percent of the faculty members are above 50 years old. The School should pay serious attention and take immediate action to overcome the faculty shortage problem.
Standard 21: Faculty Qualifications
The qualifications are appropriate; however, the faculty members need to improve their research capabilities.
Standard 22: Maintenance of Education and Research Environment
The issues identified for improvement are appropriate.
Standard 23: Responsibilities of Faculty Members
The School should provide more information or examples of how the faculty members communicate with key stakeholders and what kind of cutting-edge knowledge and expertise are incorporated in the educational program.
Standard 24: Faculty Diversity
The School should try to improve faculty diversity not only in terms of areas of specialization, but also the experience and expertise.
Chapter 6 Educational Infrastructure
Standard 25: Educational Infrastructure
The issues identified for improvement are appropriate.
Standard 26: Globalization of Educational Infrastructure
The issues identified for improvement are appropriate.
III. “The School’s Quality Improvement Plan” Review
1. The School’s Quality Improvement System
The School should discuss the improvement system, i.e. how to carry out the PDCA cycle for continuous quality improvement, rather than presenting its strategies.
2. The School’s Improvement Issues
The School has identified 128 improvement initiatives and related action plans to be conducted over the next three years’ period. In fact, it is recommended that the School identifies few key improvement initiatives, clearly defines them and focuses on the improvement of these key areas. The School needs to demonstrate its capability in conducting improvement initiatives, by setting the importance and priority for the initiatives to be improved.
3. The School’s Improvement Initiatives
Chapter 1: Internal Quality Assurance
- The School’s commitment to apply for international accreditation should be shared among the entire School, from the Dean and faculty management to academic and administrative staff.
- All staff should have clear understanding on the purpose and expectations of international accreditation, and equipped with the capability in carrying out the tasks related to accreditation.
- The School should have systematic staff development programs and incentives to develop the staff to support the accreditation process.
Chapter 2: Mission Statement
- The mission statement reflects the School’s unique character, and the School needs to ensure that the Maritime-based character is well translated into the curriculum to nurture professionals needed by the society.
- The PRT suggests that the School does the program mapping to ensure the alignment between mission statement, learning goals, learning outcomes and the curriculum structure.
- The School also needs to ensure financial stability and sustainability for achieving its mission.
Chapter 3: Education Program
- Leveraging the rich resources and diversity as well as unique characteristics of Makassar, the School may consider offering specializations or majors related to island-based economy in Makassar.
Chapter 4: Students
- The targeted student profile should be clearly specified.
- The School needs to identify ways to increase student diversity and promote student mobility.
Chapter 5: Faculty
- Faculty’s research capability needs to be strengthened. The School should develop systematic programs to develop the research capabilities of the faculty members.
- The School needs to provide financial support for the faculty members to attend international conferences and other research activities.
Chapter 6: Educational Infrastructure
- Generally, the School provides reasonably good infrastructure for teaching and learning.
4. The School’s Action Plans for three years
The School needs to prioritize key issues for improvement and develop relevant action plans for the next three years.