1. Management Accreditation Review Results
The School has made many excellent efforts to be an excellent business school. However, in the SER there are many claims which are not followed by further explanation. The School also needs to further explain how its activities support its mission. The School tends to focus on the mechanical or technical things and forget the spirit of the mission in the learning goals, the currulum, the faculty develoment, student services, etc. It needs a strategic program for maintaining the improvement process in its curriculum and services.
Induction of English language is the need of the hour in the context of Indonesia joining the BRICS.
The quality of faculty and facilities can be further improved. Postgraduate library is adequate for students and has a comfortable reading room.
Based on the site visit, it appears that Master of accounting students and lecturers dominate as compared to Master of management ones. The subjects offered to the students are well organized, especially to meet the learning goals of the School. University and faculty management have strong commitment to develop and encourage the School. There are extensive efforts to increase the number of lecturers with a doctoral degree, especially the ones who graduated from the international business schools.
As stated in the SER, the School still needs to increase the English proficiency of the lecturers. Therefore, the School has sent some lecturers to take English intensive course.
Another strategy to improve the quality is trough better cooperation with the business sector. This cooperation will bring the curriculum closer to the business practices, and this will help the alumni to find a job after finishing the study.
“ABEST21 hereby certifies that Master of Management (Magister Manajemen-MM) and Master of Accounting (Magister Akuntansi -MAKSI) of Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia has generally met ABEST21 Management Accreditation Standards and the quality maintenance and improvement of education and research in its Master of Management (Magister Manajemen-MM) and Master of Accounting (Magister Akuntansi-MAKSI) Degree Programs are assessed as good. The School’s KAIZEN plans are good and quality maintenance and prospects for the improvement of education and research are promising. Accreditation commences April 1, 2015 for a five-year period.”
2. Good Practice in Management Education
“Master Program in Forensic Accounting”
The School shows some distinctiveness, for example by offering a program with specialization in forensic accounting. It has also created a good teaching and reasearch environment, although more explanation is needed on that. The School has good facilities and infrastructure, as well as qualified lecturers. However, there still an opportunity to enhance partnerships with industry to emphasize the essense of the business school. Research and intellectual contributions should be placed on the top of the Agenda.
3. Matters to be noted
Again, the use of English language and the quality of faculty and infrastructure are to be looked into to ensure the continuous improvement. The School needs to develop specific measures to improve and ensure the achievement of its goals, such as collaborating with business sectors, developing teaching with local cases, and introducing field trips / corporate visits.